Travel Skills Tuesday #5

Selfcare Travel Survival Guide

Welcome to Travel Skills Tuesday! in these issues of my Travel Newsletter I’ll drop travel tips and tricks with a shared topic! The theme for this “Travel Skills Tuesday” newsletter is…

Selfcare When You Travel

Traveling is an amazing experience!!! but it can also be physically draining for us adventurers! from scaling the hills of Italy for the perfect view to roasting in the deserts of Egypt and walking for miles in New York City for the perfect bagel, these are my favorite tips for selfcare (and recovery) when we travel!

  • 🏜️Prepping for Climate Challenges

  • 😎Limiting Stress During Travel

  • 🧖🏽‍♀️Recovering When You Return

    • Pre-Travel Prep Checklist ✅

Climate Challenges

We love exploring the world BUT the places we venture to are often completely different environments than our home. These things should be considered when we travel so we can survive enjoy our trip!

As an East Coast girlie I often DRY OUT when I travel to the West Coast, due to the difference in humidity in the air. On California and Vegas trips I have to stay hydrated by:

  • Drinking TWICE the amount of water for me, find a cheap travel water bottle you love but are not afraid to lose

  • Beefing up my skin care routine with extra and more frequent moisturizer

  • Prepare to go through multiple sticks of chapstick, I have a giant cocoa butter stick so I can also use it for my body

  • Don’t forget your supplements, I pack travel sizes of dietary fiber and electrolytes

Living in Florida DID NOT prepare me for the intensity of the sun closer to the equator in Mexico! I stepped up my sun prep with the following supplies:

  • Reef safe sunscreen - in an easy to apply format - I like the small sticks, I pack at least 3

  • SPF clothing! this was a game changer for me staying cool in the sun

  • Sunhat and thin long sleeve clothes & long pants #itsgivingflowy&fresh - most of the Muslim countries are in hot climates so these cool and conservative clothes will come in handy!

Preparing for the climate in your destination can be a make or break your trip. A little prep here goes a long way!

Limiting Stress When You Travel

Stress can take a toll on the energy you have to do everything you planned for your trip! Here are my favorite ways to stay charged on my travels.

I am sound sensitive, so having ear buds is a huge essential for me. I love using them on overcrowded airplanes, large events or any time when I need the noise to be less intense so I can be more relaxed. I highly recommend them!

Make sure you take a few hours a day to rest on your travels!! Get the normal amount of sleep that you need, maybe even more! I cannot say how important this one is, so you don’t get burned out halfway through your trip.

My bedtime skincare routine gives me peace. I put the time into finding (and making) travel sized versions of my evening routine! This was such an investment in my travel selfcare.

Recovering When You Return

Give yourself the grace to recover from your travels and get back into your daily routine. If possible, I give myself a day to relax before I go back to work. I also stick to my gold standard for Pre-Travel Prep! this list of things I do before I travel, so I can come home to serenity.

Pre-Travel Prep Checklist

  • Clean your house - it’s amazing to come home to fresh sheets, a clean kitchen and empty trash cans, even prep an air freshener or your favorite candle

  • Stock your fridge & pantry with plenty of water, your favorite shelf stable snacks and ready to eat in food the freezer, for quick meals when you come home

  • Layout supplies for a nice wash up and comfy clothes to relax and do nothing.

I hope these travel self-care essentials bring you relaxation and peace or even just gets you through on a stressful trip. These investments in ourselves are so important, even when we travel!

Thanks for Reading! Feel free to reply to this email to contact me or request any blog topics!

Keep Traveling & Pouring into Yourself - XOXO - Lydia

Want More Travel Skills & Tips?

Grab a Copy of My How-To & Travel Skills Handbook! Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bookshop & Local Bookstores via Ingram. Thank you for Supporting my Blog & Newsletter by Grabbing a Copy!

“I believe we should all have access to travel. Travel doesn’t just take us to a new location, it gives us access to careers, education, culture and understanding. All things we are all worthy of, We All Deserve to See the World.”

Lydia Copeland

Additional Travel & Life Resources

Here is my main blog page,, full of all of my blog posts! Use the tabs in the headers to find the blog post subjects that you love like travel, career and finance.

I love being organized when I travel so I’ve decided to share my FREE Travel Planning Template via GoogeSheets! This template has an itinerary that automagically creates a spend review for your trip! it also includes travel packing and to-do lists. Upon opening, select “make a copy” to save it to your google account. Each newsletter will have link to get your copy, so lookout for updates!

You can also follow me on Google Reviews and Trip Advisor to see my reviews of the attractions, hotels and restaurants along my travels and at home in Tampa, Florida.

By Popular Demand! Here’s my Week Planner Worksheet Download, I built this to give me peace and keep me focused on my goals each week. May you have a wonderful week with it, filled with many achievements✨

Lyds Life Skills Weekly Planner Version 2024.pdf422.13 KB • PDF File