Watch & Listen to Podcasts I've Been On

From Why I Blog to My Favorite Travel Stories

Podcasts & Interviews

One of the COOOOLLEST things I’ve done with my blog (well doing) is be a guest on some amazing podcasts! I’ve been on 4 so far and have plans to be on more this year!

I was so nervous to be on a podcast, but each of these hosts were nothing but kind and welcoming. I am so thankful that they wanted to chat and share their space with me.

Here are some of the topics I’ve talked about on my podcast visits! You can watch & listen to these on Apple and Spotify AND watch a few on Youtube and Instagram too!

  • My favorite travel stories and why I love travel! why I love traveling with my family and to explore culture, food and history.

  • Why traveling is important to me and how I fit it into my life. Traveling is my self-care, it feeds my desire for learning and experiencing new things.

  • Why and how I wrote and self-published my How to Travel handbook. My self-publishing and writing process for a technical book.

  • Navigating traveling as an adult: planning, finding the time and money for great and meaningful trips.

  • This month, I’ll be recording another podcast to chat with 2 other travel bloggers about remembering being a ‘“first time traveler”! to encourage others to start traveling too!

Want More Travel Skills & Tips?

Grab a Copy of My How-To & Travel Skills Handbook! Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bookshop & Local Bookstores via Ingram. Thank you for Supporting my Blog & Newsletter by Grabbing a Copy!

“I believe we should all have access to travel. Travel doesn’t just take us to a new location, it gives us access to careers, education, culture and understanding. All things we are all worthy of, We All Deserve to See the World.”

Lydia Copeland

Thanks for Reading! I’m Wishing you a full and peaceful season! Feel free to reply to this email to contact me or request any blog topics!

Keep Traveling & Pouring into Yourself - XOXO - Lydia